arothme1 on mike695ca 's blog Are You Finally Ready To Take The Leap?(26 comments)
Currently I am in this situation. I am trying to move on from teaching and get into business. Sometimes it can be very hard in the work environment and visa restrictions for foreign workers. Hope I can get my break. Full Comment>>
arothme1 on hadleyj09 's blog 5 Things I Have Learned In China(24 comments)
I think one of the hardest things is budgeting. Even though things are cheaper here, I find myself spending alot of money. I think this is because since things are so cheap you get into a constant mood of enjoying things too much like eating out, shopping etc. So then in the end you get into a state of mind where ... Full Comment>>
arothme1 on hadleyj09 's blog Why do you wanna live in China? (Because I love China)(70 comments)
No matter where you are in the world and no matter what race you are racism is something that people cant escape. America may try to make laws and policies to try to promote less racism but it is allways there. In China most of the time some people might have a misunderstanding of some races. This is just because ... Full Comment>>
arothme1 on hadleyj09 's blog China is NOT a bad place to be (RANT)(25 comments)
Also I feel alot of foreign people in China that complain about cultural problems never tried to understand Chinese culture. You can't go to another contry and expect them to change their way of life and culture to accomodate you. But actually many Chinese people do try their bast to accomodate foreign people. Full Comment>>
arothme1 on hadleyj09 's blog Food / Drinks in China (Love, Like & ehhhhh....) :)(5 comments)
Food here in Guangzhou is great. Not only for the local Guangzhou food but also because you can find food from any other place in China. Also the selection of international foods is so vast. Full Comment>>
arothme1 on hadleyj09 's blog China: Life Is Great Here(34 comments)
Yah, I agree with you. China really is a great place. I'm from America and I have been living here now for almost 4 years. I plan on building my life here. I cant think of the idea of leaveing. Full Comment>>
arothme1 on JPBur1 's blog Satan In All His Glory(1 comments)
Anyone who is a foreign worker should always be careful when getting to into a job. Always look for any clues that could show you if the employer could be trusted or not. Full Comment>>