ericsinchina on news Wuhan Mother has Abortion Due to Daughter’s Suicide Threats(16 comments)

Jan 19,2015 19:45 comment|54781|81509

sounds like the family got lucky by having a chance to wipe the slate clean and start raising a child again. too bad they didn't take it. Full Comment>>

ericsinchina on news 5 Health Idea Differences Between China and the West(13 comments)

Oct 27,2014 04:32 comment|52086|81509

I often remind my wife that the reason it's called, "Chinese wisdom" or "Chinese medicine", is because it's not actual wisdom or medicine. Full Comment>>

ericsinchina on news Foreigners Fined for Jaywalking and Cheekiness to Police Officer (41 comments)

May 28,2014 18:44 comment|46886|81509

I think the point is not that they were jaywalking, it's that they ignored him telling them to stop. Everyone knows they can jaywalk without penalty 95% of the time...but once in a while there is actually an officer there blowing their whistle to tell people to stop on the red light. If people ignore this, they get ... Full Comment>>

ericsinchina on expatlife26 's blog How I Moved on From Teaching (And Why You Should Too!)(125 comments)

Dec 12,2013 17:35 comment|42103|81509

I'd like to get a real numbers guy to take a look at this math....I think there's a problem with this equation: (120,000RMB for 525 hours/year) < (360,000RMB for 2750 hours/year) Full Comment>>

ericsinchina on expatlife26 's blog How I Moved on From Teaching (And Why You Should Too!)(125 comments)

Dec 11,2013 09:01 comment|42012|81509

The next time one of my Chinese friends asks me what a "douche" is, I'll ask them to read this. (and you should too) Full Comment>>


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