macjp on news Foreigner Heroically Blocks Bike Path from Cars(12 comments)

Nov 17,2014 21:34 comment|52663|287163

macjp on news 16 Things in Chinese Society that Foreigners Envy(77 comments)

Oct 25,2014 10:03 comment|52023|287163

Yes great trains. However, Chinese railway stations and the travelling on Chinese trains has got to be the closest thing to purgatory or hell I've witnessed....the hassle of buying the ticket,stampedes to the gates, souless platforms, people p@ssing from the corridors of the aisle into the bowl, warm beer, rubbish ... Full Comment>>

macjp on news 16 Things in Chinese Society that Foreigners Envy(77 comments)

Oct 25,2014 09:30 comment|52022|287163

Has this writer ever ventured off his UK campus. The UK has far better food than China e.g. Indian, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Greek, African, Brazilian, Argentinian, Mexican,Russian, US, Caribbean...... Further, I often go to football/soccer games in the UK and it's years since I saw any violence, for good or bad, ... Full Comment>>

macjp on news When the Unpleasant Strikes: Food Poisoning in China(4 comments)

Oct 19,2014 17:36 comment|51841|287163

Is this just a Chinese problem? Has any one seen Gordon Ramsay's "Kitchen Nightmares" in the US? Jesus!! There were kitchen's there, and one particulary in New Orleans (Cajun) that could have killed half a city!!!! Full Comment>>


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