julieneric on news Most Common English Teaching Job Scams in China: What to Avoid(32 comments)

May 31,2018 08:41 comment|75286|1657552

Great article! If I've learned a thing from working s total of three years in three different schools it's that China as a whole is simply less regulated. Most western countries and their citizen are strictly regulated to prevent scams and so most of us never really watch out own backs as we rarely had to ... Full Comment>>

julieneric on news E is for Embezzle: China’s TEFL Crooks(5 comments)

Jan 07,2017 20:12 comment|73455|1657552

Good article. Keep in mind there's always a risk when looking for a job in China. The rigidity of the legal system is just not what you'd expect. I had to learn that the hard way after landing in a Shane School where the manager basically did whatever she wanted (withholding money, threatening teachers of cancelling ... Full Comment>>

julieneric on news Is Teaching English in China Worthwhile?(48 comments)

Jan 07,2017 19:45 comment|73454|1657552

Great article as a whole. Particularly agree with the google your employer part. I had to learn that the hard way after landing in a Shane School where the manager basically did whatever she wanted ( withholding money while on vacation and other such practices). I would even suggest to google the specific school ... Full Comment>>


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