coineineagh on news Are Foreign Men Good Enough for Chinese Women?(34 comments)

Aug 26,2014 09:08 comment|50075|112751

since when are Chinese boyfriends caring sensitive and considerate? half of them are involved in repeated domestic violence. they are the products of poor education; they objectify everyone, have no concept of equality, only hierarchies; are preoccupied with "face". they only DISPLAY kindness because it is ... Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Patriotic Thief: CCTV Anchor Rui Chenggang’s Four Disgraceful Incidents(19 comments)

Aug 26,2014 08:58 comment|50074|112751

no worries. i also remembered that asshole with "rui" in his name. theres a lot of xenophobic nationalistsat CCTV, it seems. who would have thought? Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news 18 Year Old Boy Commits Suicide after Lying about Gaokao Score(9 comments)

Aug 20,2014 23:25 comment|49909|112751

coineineagh on news International Butler Academy in Chengdu Caters to China’s Rising Wealthy Elite (21 comments)

Aug 17,2014 15:09 comment|49724|112751

Perhaps, but knowing Chinese rigid expectations and emphasis on appearances, even a properly trained local butler will be seen as a fraud, and can't provide the 'face gain' of a butler with a white face anyway. Face is what such a servant is hired for, after all. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Portrayals of Chinese People and Chinese Culture in Western Movies(20 comments)

Aug 15,2014 11:56 comment|49652|112751

Yeah, the west portrays the East with certain stereotypes, for sure, but it's nowhere near the disdain that was once displayed for blacks (read Golliwog wiki if you don't believe me). Most modern media portray China as a markedly different, but balanced civilization with its own merits. Sometimes I feel that's ... Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Business Man Killed Woman by Pulling Her into Water as Practical Joke(9 comments)

Aug 15,2014 11:51 comment|49650|112751

You broke it, you bought it! The family were probably unhappy with a worthless daughter anyway. Good sale for them. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news From Gambler to Call Girl: Guo Meimei Confession Reveals New Scandals(21 comments)

Aug 12,2014 17:58 comment|49546|112751

Then these article writers have some explaining to do to the CCP. Confirming that Taiwan is a foreign country? They've publicly driven over 1000+ people with tanks for much less. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news From Gambler to Call Girl: Guo Meimei Confession Reveals New Scandals(21 comments)

Aug 12,2014 13:06 comment|49541|112751

Never heard of the bimbo before I came to China. She was paid by foreign men? Yeah, right. Hong Kong doesn't count. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on hadleyj09 's blog Complaining Makes Us All Look Bad(56 comments)

Aug 11,2014 09:27 comment|49510|112751

You might have overlooked the myriad assumptions Hadley makes about people who complain in his anti-rant blogs, and the constant suggestion that we ought to go home. He comes from Chicago, is black, and feels overjoyed to have financial stability in China. Good for him. But he tries to convert his gratitude into ... Full Comment>>

coineineagh on adb2014 's blog Raising an International Child in China(9 comments)

Aug 09,2014 16:45 comment|49483|112751

A nice preview of life with my own international boys. As a bilingual learner myself, I can predict that your (our) kids' language level will always lag behind a monolingual learner, until both have mastered the language. What that means is, at my highschool examination at 18 I received barely passing grades for ... Full Comment>>

coineineagh on hadleyj09 's blog Complaining Makes Us All Look Bad(56 comments)

Aug 09,2014 15:20 comment|49479|112751

Hadley, It's all been said before, you keep making contorted assumptions, generalizations and rationalizations about expats who are negative. Do you hope we will see the light of positivity? Your Smile Or Die attitude helps you mingle with nationalistic Mao-worshiping locals easily, and you should enjoy your time. ... Full Comment>>

coineineagh on adb2014 's blog Western man, Chinese woman relationship: What's it really like?(15 comments)

Aug 09,2014 15:05 comment|49478|112751

Very good blog. From my own experience, it rings true, and I'm engaged in these exact struggles every day with my wife. How did you gain all these insights? Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Guiyang Residents Give Wireless Headphones to Dancing Aunties (5 comments)

Aug 08,2014 16:48 comment|49442|112751

I always thought the ayi's did it to annoy, so they wouldn't accept such a silent method. If this is true, spread the word. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news International Butler Academy in Chengdu Caters to China’s Rising Wealthy Elite (21 comments)

Aug 08,2014 16:39 comment|49441|112751

I want to warn people against considering this as a viable alternative to teaching. Think about it: As a teacher, you are useful if not vital to the success of the school, and they will try to keep you on, even if they don't like you personally. In a butler's situation, you are an incidental novelty to them, useful ... Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news International Butler Academy in Chengdu Caters to China’s Rising Wealthy Elite (21 comments)

Aug 08,2014 16:27 comment|49438|112751

Even a simple thing like closing the toilet door while you're busy inside is a major effort, only occasionally accomplished, regardless of who is walking around in the house. LOCKING the door? Ha! Don't hold your breath. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Are Chinese Men Good Enough for Chinese Women?(40 comments)

Jul 29,2014 08:35 comment|48998|112751

Starving farmers' girls... they want fat cats. Fit is for farmers. Full Comment>>

China (racist parents & children) want a monkey petting zoo for foreigners, so thats what they have. the salary for, and availability of these nonsense jobs make it clear what china wants us to do and be. education in objectification and functional rigidity. i'd love to find a job where my actual skills and ... Full Comment>>

coineineagh on hadleyj09 's blog China: First Year Finished(27 comments)

Jul 24,2014 22:28 comment|48859|112751

"Hadley didn't really say anything too insightful but at least it was from the heart and relatively upbeat. Nobody really wants to listen when you cry about the terrible things that you must endure in life." Do you have your copy? Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news 6 Unusual Ways that Wealthy Chinese Have Their Made Fortunes over the Years(6 comments)

Jul 15,2014 00:33 comment|48443|112751

Yup, they all sound like avenues of fortune that any clever entrepreneur without connections to the government or starting capital could engage in. Great opportunities here in China! Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Foreign Men Draw Criticism from Netizens for Playing with Drunken Chinese Man(27 comments)

Jul 14,2014 19:19 comment|48429|112751

Everyone was drunk, and nobody got hurt. For all we know, they all hail from the same campus, *including* the Chinese guy. But of course we will never know. Xenophobic outrage successfully generated: State media have milked the situation for what it was worth to them, and there will be no further coverage of details. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on hadleyj09 's blog China: First Year Finished(27 comments)

Jul 12,2014 11:36 comment|48352|112751

So, you don't care about anybody but yourself, and believe in your core that everyone is the same as you in that regard. You've been assimilated into Chinese culture alright! Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Wuhan Billionaire Searches for ‘Pure and Natural’ Wife(9 comments)

Jul 12,2014 11:33 comment|48351|112751

Another article intended to generate dislike for Chinese women. Discouraging foreign competition is easier than trying to be attractive. Pathetic, Chinese men. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on hadleyj09 's blog China: First Year Finished(27 comments)

Jul 09,2014 17:22 comment|48236|112751

To correct your assumptions: I don’t like it here, I can't go home (immigration), i definitely do want to, which is why I'm still here, complaining. Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Woman Poisons Boyfriend With Puffer Fish Venom: Claims it was ‘Accidental’(6 comments)

Jul 07,2014 21:32 comment|48158|112751

What is it with these stories? Are they supposed to scare people away from marrying Chinese women? Full Comment>>

coineineagh on news Butt Prick Final Straw For Guangdong Man Stuck in Abusive Marriage(4 comments)

Jul 07,2014 21:32 comment|48157|112751

What is it with these stories? Are they supposed to scare people away from marrying Chinese women? Full Comment>>

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